A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

A game where basically have a radio in the middle of the map, and when you press it to turn it on, it plays a music.

How to play the game:

-W,A,S,D to move the player(Character)

-Arrow keys to move(rotate) the camera

-Esc key to quit game

I know it's not comfortable to move the camera with the arrow keys but it's just my style

OBS: The audio played in the game is Stereo, so if you move the player around the map you are going to notice the audio going through a side to another side of your headphones.


This is my very first published game made in godot game engine.

Please leave your rating :)

Hope you like it :)


TheMusicRadioGame.rar 29 MB
LinuxTheMusicRadioGame.rar 30 MB

Install instructions

1- Choose what platform you are in Windows or Linux.

2-Download the desired platform

3-Extract the .rar file

4-Enter the folder

5-Read the "READMEifuwant" txt file if you want extra information.

6- And run the executable file

7-Enjoy the game :)